The Jedi Library
The Jedi Library
The Jedi Ashtavakra Gita
The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Hindu text structured in the form of a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and his pupil Janaka – the king of Mithila, a region of North Eastern India. The dating of the text is near-impossible with a potential age range as wide as 700 to 2500 years from present.
In any case, it is packed full of wisdom and crying out for a revised ‘Jedi’ treatment. As is our way, where traditional translations might use names such as Brahman or Atman, or capital ‘S’ Self – we use ‘The Force’. Where reference is made to a sage or ‘wise person’, we use the name ‘Jedi’. This is not meant to cause offence in any way. The use of different names by different cultures when referencing ‘The Absolute ‘ can trick us into thinking that fundamentally different concepts are being discussed, when nothing could be further from the truth. The Absolute is The Absolute irrespective of what name you give it. Within the mythology of The Star Wars Universe ‘The Force’ is the ‘Absolute Ground of Being’ and those in closest communion with it are ‘Jedi’.
This version is adapted from the version constructed by Bart Marshall.
With that I give you The Jedi Ashtavakra Gita.
May The Force be with You . . . . Always . . . .
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:08 Chapter 1: Instruction on Realisation of The Force
00:08:21 Chapter 2: The Joy of Force Realisation
00:15:00 Chapter 3: The Test of Force Realisation
00:18:40 Chapter 4: The Glorification of Force Realisation
00:20:18 Chapter 5: The Four Ways to Dissolution
00:21:57 Chapter 6: The Higher Knowledge
00:23:22 Chapter 7: The Nature of Force Realisation
00:25:08 Chapter 8: Bondage & Liberation
00:26:40 Chapter 9: Detachment
00:29:06 Chapter 10: Quietude
00:31:32 Chapter 11: Wisdom
00:34:14 Chapter 12: Abiding in The Force
00:36:32 Chapter 13: Contentedness
00:38:41 Chapter 14: Tranquility
00:40:01 Chapter 15: Knowledge of The Force
00:45:49 Chapter 16: Special Instruction
00:48:57 Chapter 17: The True Knower
00:53:56 Chapter 18: Peace
01:19:21 Chapter 19: Repose in The Force
01:21:46 Chapter 20: Liberation in Life
The Jedi Library - what has it got to do with Life, The Universe, and Everything? How to live a life of meaning, purpose, and agency - not a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away - but in the 21st Century, here on Earth.
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jedi, the force, star wars, perennial philosophy, wisdom, knowledge, jedi library, philosophy, psychology, nondual, nonduality, religion, spiritual, spirituality, soul, wellbeing, self help, the perennial philosophy, meditation, contemplation, prayer, metaphysics, Ashtavakra Gita