The Jedi Library

Alan Watts: The Game of Black and White (The Book of Jedi Identity Chapter 2)

Loudzoo Episode 10

Alan Watts: The Game of Black & White (The Book of Jedi Identity aka The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Part 2)

Offering spiritual answers to the problems of a materialistic lifestyle, alienated from the natural world, Alan Watts is the voice of all who seek a deeper understanding of their own Jedi identity and role in the world. Enjoy the Easter Eggs and the inside jokes. Those who know . . . know . . . ;)

00:00:00:00 The GAme of Black and White

The Jedi Library - what has it got to do with Life, The Universe, and Everything? How to live a life of meaning, purpose, and agency - not a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away - but in the 21st Century, here on Earth.
Website: All videos and podcasts can be found here as well as many other resources (books, articles, courses etc.)

Podcast: If you prefer to just listen – all videos are available in podcast format

Substack: Transcripts are available here

Twitter: @mystmodmus

Instagram: The_Jedi_Library

jedi, alan watts, The Book, taboo, the force, star wars, perennial philosophy, wisdom, knowledge, jedi library, philosophy, psychology, nondual, nonduality, religion, spiritual, spirituality, soul, wellbeing, self help, the perennial philosophy, meditation, contemplation, prayer, metaphysics, vedanta, tao, taoism, jedi identity, the game of black and white